Professional Technology For
Marine Smarter And Safer Solution
일자 2019.02.16 조회 459
On October 26, 2018, the Linked Emergency Shutdown System was developed and a demonstration was held at ILJIN AND CO., LTD, headquarters by inviting ship owners and customers.
In this demonstration, Mr. Hyun Tae Kim, a Development Director of IXJCOM Which is an affiliated company, presented, demonstrated, and answered questions about XLESS.
We developed LINKED EMERGENCY SHUTDWON SYSTEM that can be applied to oil and chemical carriers in accordance with OCIMF recommendation.
During the demonstration, we introduced definition and application point of XLESS, our competent list, recommendation list from OCIMF, key features and benefits of XLESS. After lunch, we had a time to demonstrate XLESS directly at DEMO ROOM.
Through this demonstration, it has been a great opportunity to promote the newly developed LINKED ESD SYSTEM and we will work harder to gain future orders